Mandatory Reporting Resources
Mandatory Reporting FAQs
Responsible Employees must share with the University Title IX Coordinator all details they receive in the scope of their employment about Prohibited Conduct. This includes any known information about the:
- Date, time, and location of the Prohibited Conduct;
- Name of the affected party or parties;
- Name of the party alleged to have engaged in Prohibited Conduct;
- Names of any witnesses identified; and
- Details provided about the alleged Prohibited Conduct.
Prohibited Conduct includes the following: Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, Sexual Exploitation, and Retaliation.
Responsible Employees are not required to investigate or gather additional details from the affected party or reporter beyond those details that are shared.
Additionally, Responsible Employees should report information about Prohibited Conduct regardless of the affiliation of the parties involved, the timeframe of the alleged Prohibited Conduct, or the location where the Prohibited Conduct took place.
Responsible Employees are required to share information they learn promptly to ensure community members affected by sexual misconduct are aware of the resources and supportive measures available to them as well as of their right to file a Formal Complaint with the Department of Title IX.
Prompt reporting is also important to ensure that the affected party is safe, and if they are not, to ensure that the affected party is informed of resources to assist with safety planning.
Mandatory Reporting Guidance for Responsible Employees
For more information, please see Policy 8.2, Emory University’s Sex and Gender-Based Harassment and Discrimination Policy. If you have questions about your role as a Responsible Employee or about mandatory reporting generally, please contact the Department of Title IX at or visit our website at